UNCATEGORIZED   ·  October 30, 2017

Family Volunteer Day

Local Volunteers of All Ages Encouraged to Participate in Museum of Photographic Arts’ Family Volunteer Day

San Diego, CA – On November 18, 2017,  the Museum of Photographic Arts (MOPA) announces plans to celebrate Family Volunteer Day on Saturday, November 18. For over 25 years, Family Volunteer Day has been held on the Saturday before Thanksgiving to “kick-off” the holiday season with giving and service.

On Family Volunteer Day, MOPA is joining The Walt Disney Company and generationOn, the youth division of Points of Light, to engage families in acts of service. This will be a day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods. Volunteering is a great way for kids and adults to make new friends, develop compassion for their neighbors, and even pick up a new skill or two!

Family Tour Guide Program

Become a museum tour guide for the day! Your family will be important members of our guest services team. You will attend to guest needs, answer questions, facilitate activities, and offer direction to guests as they move through the museum.

Why family volunteerism? Because it instills kids, teens, and parents with a sense of community and togetherness. Volunteering at MOPA as a family unit builds teamwork skills and exposes children to critical thinking and visual literacy. It’s so important to give back to the community and support the arts. Start the holiday season with loved ones and an act of kindness.


Interested in volunteering? Please email contact Megan Swiertz at familyevents@mopa.org.


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MOPA is now MOPA@SDMA!Learn More


Welcome to the Museum of Photographic Arts at The San Diego Museum of Art!

As of July 1, 2023, the Museum of Photographic Arts and The San Diego Museum of Art have merged to become one unified institution. The Museum of Photographic Arts is now the Museum of Photographic Arts at The San Diego Museum of Art (MOPA@SDMA).

MOPA@SDMA remains a pay-what-you wish museum open Thursdays through Sundays 11:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you soon!