
Explore a series of challenges designed for fun and creativity while expanding your skills in photography and visual communication. Created for middle and high school students, but accessible to all grade levels! Up for the challenge? Here’s how to participate:
Select a challenge and check out the photo, video, and other resources provided.
Experiment with your camera, phone, or tablet (or any image-making device!) to make a photo responding to the challenge.
Submit your photo using the link in the challenge to get feedback from a MOPA educator, and have a chance to be featured on MOPA’s social media!
More questions? See our FAQ below!
What is Photo Club™?
Photo Club™ is a collection of photo challenges designed for young photographers to practice their image-making skills, get creative, and have fun learning!
Who is it for?
Photo Club™ was designed for middle and high school students, but we welcome anyone in K-12 to participate. We believe the resources and challenges are accessible to younger participants with guidance from parents or teachers.
How does it work?
Each photo challenge brings multiple skills and topics together in a single project. Resources include an introduction and overview video from our host, as well as supporting videos or other links that dive deeper into the techniques, topics, and artists related to the challenge. Participants can move through the resources at their own pace and experiment with making images responding to the topics provided. A printable guide is also available to help! When you have a final image, use the link to submit it for feedback from our educators and to share, if you wish! You can also tag us on Instagram to share!
What will I need to complete the challenges?
Little to no special equipment or materials are needed for most challenges! Use any image-making device you have, including smartphones and tablets! If special materials are needed, you will find a list in the activity guide at the bottom of each Photo Challenge . We make every effort to minimize the need to purchase items to participate, but sometimes we can’t avoid it.
How do I upload my image?
If you are using your smartphone or tablet to connect to and view the challenges, you can use your device’s camera and simply upload from your photo gallery. If you are using your home computer, you will need to get your image file onto that device to upload – you can email it to yourself from your handheld device or use a cloud service. If you are using a digital camera, you can connect it to your computer to transfer the image for upload. If you are making an artwork that is a physical object (like a collage, sunprint, Instax print, photographic print, etc), you can take a photo of it with your device and upload that. If you have questions about uploading, email us at
How long do the challenges take?
Each challenge will take approximately 30-60 minutes to compete. This estimate includes the time needed to watch the videos, review other resources, and make an image. Each learner is different, so this is just a rough guide!
Welcome to the Museum of Photographic Arts at The San Diego Museum of Art!
As of July 1, 2023, the Museum of Photographic Arts and The San Diego Museum of Art have merged to become one unified institution. The Museum of Photographic Arts is now the Museum of Photographic Arts at The San Diego Museum of Art (MOPA@SDMA).
MOPA@SDMA remains a pay-what-you wish museum open Thursdays through Sundays 11:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.
We look forward to seeing you soon!